Tbh Creature Yippee

$TBH is a multi-chain meme token inspired by the iconic "To Be Honest" autism creature Yippee. Join our vibrant community, contribute, and be part of our mission to conquer every blockchain. CAs (EVM and Solana): 0xEBde02166CF5e9CE2DBf27895AFF3FFD0055b873 HxGwJn6n2iPALGdgkmLrTAKNVKeh9FFAL9KFNyFHFF6L

About Us

An Introduction to Axelar ITS

$TBH is deployed using Axelar Interchain Service (ITS), enabling it to scale across multiple chains while preserving native-like fungibility and functionality. ITS automates deployment and maintenance.



Liquidity - 75%

517,680,000 $TBH, 50% burned, while the remaining 50% will be used for expansion.

Airdrops - 10%

69,024,000 $TBH allocated for potential airdrops.

Treasury - 10%

69,024,000 $TBH allocated for partnerships and marketing.

CEXs - 5%

34,512,000 $TBH allocated for CEXs